The Use of Jug Filtration to Remove Radioactive and Chemical Contamination from Drinking Water
Published:01 Jul 2013
D. Hammond, in Water Contamination Emergencies: Managing the Threats, ed. U. Borchers, J. Gray, K. C. Thompson, K. C. Thompson, U. Borchers, and J. Gray, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2013, pp. 64-70.
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If drinking water supplies were contaminated with radioactivity or chemicals following a radiological or chemical incident, the use of jug water filters is a management option that could be considered to reduce the radioactive or chemical contamination in the drinking water at the point of use. Drinking water treatment of public water supplies can be very effective at removing elements1, but private water supplies often receive less chemical treatment than public water supplies. In this case, the chemical process of ion exchange and the use of activated carbon in domestic jug filters may provide additional water treatment that would be beneficial in removing radionuclides from water. Jug filtration is a relatively cheap option that could be implemented on a small or large scale.