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We summarize the computation of net atomic charges (NACs) and atomic spin moments (ASMs) using the recently developed density derived electrostatic and chemical (DDEC) method. This approach has three primary advantages: (a) it applies to both periodic and non-periodic systems, (b) it applies to systems with collinear or non-collinear magnetism as well as non-magnetic systems, and (c) it simultaneously optimizes the NACs to reproduce atomic chemical states in a material and the electrostatic potential outside the material's electron distribution. These properties make DDEC NACs suitable for constructing force-fields used in atomistic simulations. We also describe existing techniques for computing effective bond orders (EBOs) and the need to develop an improved method for computing EBOs in periodic materials. A variety of examples are used to demonstrate the procedures for computing NACs, ASMs, and EBOs from ab initio methods such as density functional theory (DFT) and coupled-cluster theory.

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