Chapter 2: Principles of Ultrafast NMR Spectroscopy
Published:18 May 2017
Special Collection: 2017 ebook collectionSeries: New Developments in NMR
M. Gal, in Fast NMR Data Acquisition: Beyond the Fourier Transform, ed. M. Mobli and J. C. Hoch, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2017, ch. 2, pp. 33-48.
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No other spectroscopic tool is equal to NMR in its ability to study and analyze molecules in as vast as possible range of scientific disciplines. Yet, a major drawback of NMR is the relatively long acquisition times that are required in order to collect the spectral information being pursued. As of today, an arsenal of methods aimed at reducing the experimental time has been developed, still, only one—ultrafast (UF) NMR spectroscopy—maintains the ability to collect arbitrary multidimensional NMR spectra in a single transient with no need for non-linear operations. This chapter focuses on the fundamental principles that enable the acquisition of single-scan UF NMR spectroscopy.