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Waste as a Resource


R.E. Hester, University of York, UK

R.M. Harrison, University of Birmingham, UK


P. Crutzen, Max‐Planck‐Institut für Chemie, Germany, S.J. de Mora, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK, G. Eduljee, SITA, UK, L. Heathwaite, Lancaster University, UK, S. Holgate, University of Southampton, UK, P.K. Hopke, Clarkson University, USA, Sir John Houghton, Meteorological Office, UK, P. Leinster, Environment Agency, UK, J. Lester, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, UK, P.S. Liss, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, UK, D. Mackay, Trent University, Canada, A. Proctor, Food Science Department, University of Arkansas, USA, D. Taylor, AstraZeneca plc, UK.


1: Mining and its Environmental Impact

2: Waste Incineration and the Environment

3: Waste Treatment and Disposal

4: Volatile Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere

5: Agricultural Chemicals and the Environment

6: Chlorinated Organic Micropollutants

7: Contaminated Land and its Reclamation

8: Air Quality Management

9: Risk Assessment and Risk Management

10: Air Pollution and Health

11: Environmental Impact of Power Generation

12: Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

13: Chemistry in the Marine Environment

14: Causes and Environmental Implications of Increased UV‐B Radiation

15: Food Safety and Food Quality

16: Assessment and Reclamation of Contaminated Land

17: Global Environmental Change

18: Environmental and Health Impact of Solid Waste Management Activities

19: Sustainability and Environmental Impact of Renewable Energy Sources

20: Transport and the Environment

21: Sustainability in Agriculture

22: Chemicals in the Environment: Assessing and Managing Risk

23: Alternatives to Animal Testing

24: Nanotechnology

25: Biodiversity Under Threat

26: Environmental Forensics

27: Electronic Waste Management

28: Air Quality in Urban Environments

29: Carbon Capture

30: Ecosystem Services

31: Sustainable Water

32: Nuclear Power and the Environment

33: Marine Pollution and Human Health

34: Environmental Impacts of Modern Agriculture

35: Soils and Food Security

36: Chemical Alternatives Assessments

37: Waste as a Resource

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Waste as a Resource


Issues in Environmental Science and Technology No 37

ISBN: 978‐1‐84973‐668‐8

ISSN: 1350‐7583

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

© The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013

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