Published:03 Nov 2015
Boron: Sensing, Synthesis and Supramolecular Self-Assembly, ed. M. Li, J. S. Fossey, and T. D. James, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015, pp. P023.
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The editors of this book are grateful to members of the CASE Network (Catalysis and Sensing for our Environment) for vibrant and productive discussions and exchanges at our regular symposium series. The editors thank the following organisations and institutions for past and present support: the University of Birmingham, the University of Bath, East China University of Science and Technology, the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), the Leverhulme Trust, the China Scholarship Council, the Nuffield Foundation, the Royal Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry.