CHAPTER 5: Cross-Dehydrogenative-Coupling Reactions Involving Allyl, Benzyl and Alkyl C–H Bonds
Published:19 Aug 2014
Special Collection: 2014 ebook collection , ECCC Environmental eBooks 1968-2022 , 2011-2015 organic chemistry subject collectionSeries: Green Chemistry
G. Deng, F. Xiao, and L. Yang, in From C–H to C–C Bonds: Cross-Dehydrogenative-Coupling, ed. C. Li, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014, pp. 93-113.
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For kinetic and thermodynamic reasons, selective C–C bond formation involving inactive sp3 C–H bonds is very challenging, since this kind of transformation often requires very harsh reaction conditions. During the past decade, various strategies have been developed to selectively activate sp3 C–H bonds for C–C and C–heteroatom bond formation. In this chapter, an overview of the recent developments in oxidative cross-coupling reactions is presented, with a focus on the C–C bond formation between allyl, benzyl, and alkyl sp3 C–H bonds (adjacent to carbon atoms) and other C–H bonds.