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There is a rising trend of consuming “gourmet” beverages, where a large proportion of the final structure is milk foam. Foams are thermodynamically unstable systems and generally have a lifetime of some orders of magnitude smaller than that of emulsions. Following the need to increase the stability of foams while trying not to introduce new ingredients to formulations, the necessity of developing new properties using the existing components in milk becomes significant. Whey protein isolates (WPI) are products with protein content larger than 90%, and have been extensively studied in terms of their ability to stabilise foams. This study shows the effect of particles obtained by thermal gelling of whey proteins in the stability of foams. The aim of this study is to provide evidence of the mechanism in which these particles can produce films with enhanced mechanical properties that can withstand instability, and then relate this to the rheological properties of the suspensions and foams.

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