CHAPTER 9: Determination of Betaines in Vegetable Oils by Capillary Electrophoresis-Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry
Published:15 May 2015
L. Sánchez-Hernández, M. L. Marina Alegre, and A. L. Crego Navazo, in Betaine: Chemistry, Analysis, Function and Effects, ed. V. R. Preedy, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015, pp. 120-138.
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The control of the quality of foods is currently of great concern for researchers, consumers, and industries and, as a consequence, important efforts are being devoted to provide relevant information about food processing, contamination or adulterations and to assess that legal regulations are fulfilled. Betaines are important nutrients that can be used to evaluate the quality of foods since they are present in a broad variety of foods and foodstuffs and have shown to have beneficial effects on health. Based on these facts, the determination of betaines is an important task when evaluating the quality of foods. This chapter is focused on the use of capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry for the determination of betaines and its application to the analysis of vegetable oils.