Published:06 Oct 2015
Calcium: Chemistry, Analysis, Function and Effects, ed. V. R. Preedy, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015, pp. P005-P006.
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Recently, there have been major advances in our understanding of the chemistry and function of nutritional components. This has been enhanced by rapid developments in analytical techniques and instrumentation. Chemists, food scientists and nutritionists are, however, separated by divergent skills, and professional disciplines. Hitherto this transdisciplinary divide has been difficult to bridge.
The series Food and Nutritional Components in Focus aims to cover in a single volume the chemistry, analysis, function and effects of single components in the diet or its food matrix. Its aim is to link scientific disciplines so that information becomes more meaningful and applicable to health in general.
The series Food and Nutritional Components in Focus covers the latest knowledge base and has a structured format with major subsections covering
Compounds in Context
Function and Effects
In some books the section on Chemistry is also linked with Biochemistry.
Each chapter has a novel cohort of features namely by containing:
Summary Points
Key Facts (areas of focus explained for the lay person)
Definitions of Words and Terms
The series covers numerous classes of dietary components including, for example, minerals, vitamins, food additives, and so on. The chapters are written by national or international experts, specialists and leaders in the field.
Calcium has the following material: Section 1 Calcium in Context has material on dietary sources and metabolism, ethnicity and geography, availability, milk and dairy products, legumes, vegetables, cereals, baked goods and meals. Section 2 Chemistry and Biochemistry has chapters covering chemistry, biological roles, analysis and vitamin D. Section 3 Analysis has material on ultrasonic-dialysis capillary electrophoresis, fluorescent polyanions, osteoclastic calcium resorption, X-ray diffraction patterns, nanocalcium, milk, food frequency questionnaires, calcium digestibility, in vivo, in vitro and ex vivo techniques, bioavailability and CaCo-2 cells. Section 4 Function and Effects has extensive coverage on calcium in relation to adolescents, dietary calcium, protein intake, bioaccessibility, legumes, rice calcium and phytic acid, acrylamide, gluten, breadmaking, soymilk, prebiotics, drinking water, saliva, intestinal absorption, calcium-sensing receptors, taste cells, calcium signalling, gene expression, mitochondria, pregnancy, lactation, bone health, hypertension, transporters, cholesterol metabolism, vitamin D, exercise, osteoprotegerin body fat, critical care, and hypercalcemia.
Calcium is specifically designed for chemists, analytical scientists, forensic scientists, food scientists, dieticians, nutritionists, food scientists, health professionals and research academics. The series is suitable for lecturers and teachers in food and nutritional sciences. Importantly, the series will be a valuable resource for college or university libraries as a reference guide.
Professor Victor R. Preedy
King’s College London