Chapter 12: Industrial Standards and Strategies in LC-MS Analysis of Proteins
Published:22 Jul 2011
Special Collection: 2011 ebook collection , 2011 ebook collection , 2011-2015 analytical chemistry subject collection
R. Wissiack, in Protein and Peptide Analysis by LC-MS: Experimental Strategies, ed. T. Letzel, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2011, ch. 12, pp. 156-167.
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Mass spectrometry in process control of recombinant protein production plays an important role in industry due to its versatility. If a generic chromatographicdesalting method, column switching technique or direct infusion electrospray mass spectrometry is used in conjunction with it, reliable results are obtained within a short period of time. The measurement results can be directly related to theoretically calculated values; consequently, information about the status of theprotein under investigation is givendirectly. The analysis of protein solutions by means of HPLC-MS can bestraightforwardlyautomated,and short overall analysis times are feasible. Finally,the high degree of flexibility of this technique assists urgent problem-solving in routineapplications.