Chapter 6: Shape selectivity in zeolite catalysis. The Methanol to Hydrocarbons (MTH) reaction
Published:24 Feb 2014
SPR: SPR - Catalysis
S. Teketel, M. Westgård Erichsen, F. Lønstad Bleken, S. Svelle, K. Petter Lillerud, and U. Olsbye, in Catalysis: Volume 26, ed. J. Spivey, K. M. Dooley, and Y. Han, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014, vol. 26, ch. 6, pp. 179-217.
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Zeolites are crystalline aluminosilicates with pores of molecular dimensions. They are extensively used as catalysts in the chemical industry. Recently, zeolite catalysts have found a new application in the methanol to hydrocarbons (MTH) reaction, which is currently of growing industrial significance, especially for the production of polymer-grade alkenes. In this chapter, the general characteristics of zeolites are summarized, with emphasis on a selection of zeolite structures which are of interest as MTH catalysts. Subsequently, industrial and fundamental aspects of the MTH reaction are reviewed, with emphasis on mechanistic insight. Finally, the selected zeolite structures are compared as catalysts for the MTH reaction, and the influence of product and transition state shape selectivity is discussed.