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Recent advances and applications achieved in the area of solid-state NMR based on the literature published between July 2013 and June 2014 have been collected in this contribution, which considers review articles on both general and specific aspects of solid-state NMR spectroscopy and its applications, as well as experimental and computational developments and novel applications that are of general methodological interest. Various examples of solid-state NMR applications are collected in the final section, which is divided into 11 subsections depending on the type of the material studied: (1) organic solids; (2) pharmaceutical and biomedical applications; (3) amino acids and peptides; (4) proteins; (5) membrane proteins and lipids; (6) polymers; (7) carbonaceous materials and soils; (8) organometallic and coordination compounds; (9) glasses and amorphous solids; (10) surface science and catalysis, and (11) inorganic and other related solids.

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