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Abil Aliev is a principal research fellow at University College London. He carried out his PhD on stereochemical NMR applications at Institute of Chemical Physics and People's Friendship University in Moscow. Subsequently, he undertook postdoctoral positions in solid-state NMR at St. Andrews University and University College London. He started his independent carrier at University College London in 1995. His work involves applications of NMR and computational techniques for molecular structure and dynamics studies, with a focus on noncovalent interactions in solution and solid states since 2005.

Andrew Atkinson is a research scientist at the Institut de Pharmacologie et de Biologie Structurale (IPBS), Toulouse, France. His doctoral studies were carried out under the supervision of Prof. R.J.P. Williams, FRS at the University of Oxford. He has held a number of positions in academia and industry and is the author of over 70 papers. Most recently, he was NMR Facility Manager at the Centre for Biomolecular Spectroscopy, King's College London, UK, where he oversaw the expansion of the Facility to accommodate the growth of the use of NMR in research at King's.

Maria Victoria Silva Elipe, Ph.D., is a Principal Scientist and works at Amgen, Inc., since 2003 as NMR Leader at the Attribute Sciences department supporting drug development from early clinical stages to commercial for small molecules and hybrid modalities. Her work focuses on low and high field NMR for structure elucidation, reaction monitoring and quantitation, and TD-NMR applications for small and large molecules. Prior to that, she worked for Merck & Co., Inc., as NMR spectroscopist for the DMPK department on the structure of metabolites by NMR and LC-NMR and supported medicinal chemistry for small molecules and peptides. She obtained her Ph.D. in Natural Products Chemistry at the University of Malaga, Spain, in 1991. After that, she worked in the field of marine natural products for Pharma Mar, S.A., in Madrid, Spain, and for Prof. Kenneth Rinehart at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Then she worked on protein and protein-DNA complex structures by NMR for Prof. David Kearns at the University of California, San Diego. Before she moved to industry, she worked as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University of San Diego. Currently she is also a lecturer for the chemistry department at California State University, Channel Islands, since 2014.

Paul Hodgkinson is a Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Durham. His research group works in the areas of fundamental principles of solids NMR and its applications to chemical problems. In particular, the group develops methods for pharmaceutical solids and disordered systems using approaches that combine computation and experimental NMR. As well as having published 88 papers in the field of NMR, he has co-authored a leading introductory text on solid-state NMR, and edited a recent volume on solid-state NMR techniques for RSC Publishing's “New Developments in NMR” series.

Jarosław Jaźwiński was born in Warsaw, Poland, in 1954. He studied chemistry at the Technical University of Warsaw where received M. Sc. in 1978. He received his PhD degree in supramolecular chemistry at Institute of Organic Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw) in 1984 (working with dr Koliński). He then did postdoctoral work at University Luis Pasteur (Strasbourg, France), from 1984 to1986, in the laboratory of Professor Jean-Marie Lehn. In 1989 he started working at the Institute of Organic Chemistry PAS, where he became an associate professor in 2010 and full professor in 2013. He began his scientific career in the field of supramolecular chemistry. His later research interests included the various aspects of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) in organic chemistry.

Yaroslav Khimyak is Professor in solid-state NMR spectroscopy and Head of Pharmaceutical Materials and Soft Matter Cluster in the UEA School of Pharmacy. He obtained his PhD from the University of Cambridge in 2000 and was an Oppenheimer Research Fellow at the Cambridge till 2002. He was a Senior Lecturer at Liverpool before moving to UEA in 2011. His research addresses understanding structure and dynamics of materials with limited long-range ordering by NMR, including pharmaceuticals, amorphous formulations and encapsulated solids. His team have developed NMR based methods for soft matter and heterogeneous materials where a complex approach based on the application of different NMR methods across different dynamic ranges is required.

Jozef Kowalewski received his PhD from Stockholm University in 1975. He began working with nuclear spin relaxation as a postdoctoral fellow at Florida State University and this has ever since been the main area of his research. He became professor of physical chemistry at Stockholm University in 1986 and was chairman of the department of physical, inorganic and structural chemistry between 1993 and 2005. Dr Kowalewski supervised 17 PhD students and authored about 200 scientific papers and a book (together with Lena Mäler). Since 2014, he is professor emeritus at Stockholm University.

Teobald Kupka got his PhD degree from the Institute of Chemistry, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland (1992). From 1994 he co-organized the Department of Medical Physics, Institute of Physics, University of Silesia. Sabbatical stays spend at the Department of Physics, University of Waterloo (1998–2000), and went to Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, USA (visiting professor, 2001–2004) and Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (2005–2006). Since 2006 he has been working in the Institute of Chemistry, University of Opole, Opole, Poland. He is involved in both experimental NMR studies of biologically important molecules and molecular modeling of their spectroscopic parameters (NMR, IR and Raman).

Malcolm Prior is a senior research fellow in Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Nottingham. He first encountered magnetic resonance spectroscopy in 1985 when he attended St George's, University of London during the sandwich year of his BSc in Applied Biology. After graduation he returned to St. George's to pursue his interest of in vivo magnetic resonance during his studies for his PhD in biochemistry. He moved to the University of Nottingham in 1991 where he has been central to the development of pre-clinical magnetic resonance and now manages a facility with two high field systems. He has been a contributor to the Royal Society's Specialist Periodical Reports since 1994.

Matthew Wallace is a research fellow in the School of Pharmacy at the University of East Anglia. He obtained his Master of Chemistry degree from the University of Liverpool in 2013 and his PhD in 2017. He then moved to the University of East Anglia as an independent research fellow in NMR technique development, funded by the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851. His research focuses on the use of NMR imaging techniques to study hydrogel materials and pharmaceuticals. He has also developed methods for the direct measurement of the pH and ion concentrations of aqueous samples by NMR.

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