In situ and operando analysis of environmental catalysts – studies on reaction mechanism and active site
Published:13 Feb 2019
Special Collection: 2019 ebook collectionSPR: SPR - Catalysis
K. Murata, K. Ueda, Y. Mahara, J. Ohyama, and A. Satsuma, in Catalysis: Volume 31, ed. J. Spivey, Y. Han, and D. Shekhawat, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019, vol. 31, pp. 242-266.
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In situ and operando analyses are the methods to observe the real features of catalysts under the reaction conditions. These methods can clarify the dynamics of active species of catalysts and reaction scheme on catalyst surface through transient response method, kinetic study, temperature dependence of catalysts and products, and so on. In this review, progress in in situ and operando analyses is summarized with emphasis on environmental catalysts, i.e., catalysts for combustion, selective reduction of NO, automotive three-way catalysis, and related materials.