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Richard G Compton is Professor of Chemistry and Aldrichian Praelector at Oxford University, United Kingdom where he is also Tutor in Chemistry at St John's College. Compton has broad interests in both fundamental and applied electrochemistry and electroanalysis including nanochemical aspects. He has published more than 1100 papers (h=67; Web of Science, July 2012), 6 books and numerous patents. The 2nd edition of his graduate textbook Understanding Voltammetry (with C E Banks) was published in late 2010 by Imperial College Press.

He is CAS Visiting Professor at the Institute of Physical Sciences, Hefei and a Lifelong Honorary Professor at Sichuan University. He holds Honorary Doctorates from the Estonian Agricultural University and Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics (Ukraine) and is a Fellow of the RSC and of the ISE. He is the Founding Editor and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Electrochemistry Communications (current IF=4.86) published by Elsevier.

Scientist ranking (Essential Science Indicators, ISI, June, 2012): # 120 of 7849 top 1% Scientists in Chemistry; #133 of 7180 top 1% Scientists in Engineering; 1444 of 70037 top 1% Scientists (all fields).

Jay D. Wadhawan (age 35) is Senior Lecturer in Electrochemical Science, Technology & Engineering at University of Hull, where he represents the Faculty of Science & Engineering at Senate. He is Vice-Chair in Molecular Electrochemistry at the International Society of Electrochemistry and Research Co-Champion in Electrocatalysis for Carbon Capture and Utilisation for the CO2CHEM EPSRC Grand Challenge Network. He is presently assisting in United Kingdom trade and industry representation in Asia on energy scavenging, and has provided scientific consultancy to numerous corporations such as Johnson-Matthey and Schlumberger. He has acted as a Tutorial Lecturer at Universidade Federale de Alagoas, Brazil, Visiting Professor at Université de Bordeaux 1, France, and Visiting Professor at Université Paris Diderot, France. He is an Associate Member of University of York.

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