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This chapter covers the literature on group 1 and 11 organometallics, primarily those that contain a carbon-metal bond, in the years 2011 and 2012. In the first part, coordination compounds of the alkali metals are discussed. We look firstly at organolithiums and then cover compounds of the higher alkali metals. Sandwich compounds are discussed, including significant new work that relates to lithium-coordinated reduced corannulene systems. The use of other aryl ligands, as well as alkyl, alkynyl, carbenoid and N-donor ligands is also discussed. Compounds of the coinage metals - copper, silver and gold - are considered in the second part of the review. Discussion is broken down by metal, starting with copper. The first efficient synthesis of (Ph3P)3CuCF3 is reported, as are related studies on “CuCF3” derivatives. Other copper systems to have been looked at in 2011/12 include those with aryl, phosphorus- and sulfur-donor ligands. A large number of studies on carbenoid complexes are also reviewed. This interest in carbene chemistry is also reflected within the silver and gold sections that follow, with alkynyl ligand chemistry also playing a major role in recent gold studies. For both groups 1 and 11, mixed-metal systems are also discussed as appropriate, including the development of synergic bases, new multiply-bonded transition metal complexes and luminescent group 11 clusters.

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