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Extensive CO2 emissions from the processing of fossil fuels for energy generation have become a major contemporary challenge. An avenue to alleviate this problem is to electrochemically transform CO2 to high-energy molecules. In this chapter, we discuss promising heterogeneous electrocatalysts for low and high temperature electrochemical reduction of CO2 to valuable products, such as CO and hydrocarbons. Electrocatalyst size/composition/morphology effects on the activity, selectivity, and stability along with the proposed underlying mechanisms that govern low temperature electrochemical reduction of CO2 on promising electrocatalytic materials are discussed. Similarly, the performance and challenges of promising cathode electrocatalysts (i.e., Ni, bimetals, and mixed oxides) for high-temperature electrochemical reduction of CO2 using solid oxide electrolysis cells are evaluated. The chapter is concluded with a perspective on low- and high-temperature electrochemical reduction of CO2 by means of heterogeneous electrocatalysis.

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