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Volume 44 follows the pattern of previous issues from Volume 39 onwards, which combines a review on the latest advancements in photochemistry (every other year on a part of this discipline, in the present case, computational and organic) and highlights on some topics.

We thank the reviewers, who maintained once again the high level they had established, as well as the contributors of highlights. It has been, as usual, quite a tough job to complete all the contributions (almost) within the planned deadlines. We must admit that, hard work as it may have been, having the opportunity of reading and discussing such a large wealth of photochemical research has been a really nice experience.

We thank the staff of Specialist Periodical Reports at the Royal Society of Chemistry and our Colleagues of the Photochemical Group at the University of Pavia, who made photochemistry such an entertaining experience every day.

Angelo Albini and Elisa Fasani

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