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This chapter shows, as in previous years, the most important achievements, published in leading journals in 2014, in the area organophosphorus compounds containing three P–O bonds (phosphates), two P–O and one P–C bonds (phosphonates) as well as one P–O and two P–C bonds (phosphinates) in addition to the phosphoryl group PO. Heteroanalogs of phosphates, phosphinates and phosphonates containing combinations of P–X and PY bonds (X, Y=O, N, S, Se) have also been described. Each of the main sections has been traditionally divided in the same way, covering synthesis, reactions ad biological aspects. New subsubsections devoted to miscellaneous applications of phosphoric, phosphonic and phosphinic acids and their derivatives, other than biological ones, have been added for the first time in this volume. The total number of contributions remained during the review period almost on the same level of 263 in 2014 versus 285 in 2013. In the review year, a percentage of contributions devoted to phosphoric, phosphonic and phosphinic acid derivatives has been slightly corrected in comparison to 2013 to the following values 44% (versus 35%), 49% (versus 50%) and 7% (versus 10%), respectively. A number of papers devoted to the use of chiral phosphoric acids remained on the same level of 47 papers in comparison to 50 contributions in 2013.

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