Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms
Specialist Periodical Reports provide systematic and detailed review coverage of progress in the major areas of chemical research. Written by experts in their specialist fields the series creates a unique service for the active research chemist, supplying regular critical in-depth accounts of progress in particular areas of chemistry. For over 80 years the Royal Society of Chemistry and its predecessor, the Chemical Society, have been publishing reports charting developments in chemistry, which originally took the form of Annual Reports. However, by 1967 the whole spectrum of chemistry could no longer be contained within one volume and the series Specialist Periodical Reports was born. The Annual Reports themselves still existed but were divided into two, and subsequently three, volumes covering Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry. For more general coverage of the highlights in chemistry they remain a 'must'. Since that time the SPR series has altered according to the fluctuating degree of activity in various fields of chemistry. Some titles have remained unchanged, while others have altered their emphasis along with their titles; some have been combined under a new name whereas others have had to be discontinued. The current list of Specialist Periodical Reports can be seen on the inside flap of this volume.
Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 1977.
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Table of contents
Front coverByA. McAuleyA. McAuleySenior ReporterSearch for other works by this author on:
Front matterByA. McAuleyA. McAuleySenior ReporterSearch for other works by this author on:
ContentsByA. McAuleyA. McAuleySenior ReporterSearch for other works by this author on:
Abbreviations for ligands and solventsByA. McAuleyA. McAuleySenior ReporterSearch for other works by this author on:
Reactions between two metal complexesp1-41
Metal ion-ligand redox reactionsp42-106
Reactions of oxygen and hydrogen peroxidep107-118
Non-metallic Elementsp119-141
Inert metal complexes: Co-ordination numbers four and fivep142-161
Inert metal complexes: Co-ordination numbers six and higherp162-239
Labile metal complexesp240-259
Solvent effectsp260-274
Part III. Reactions of biochemical interestp275-302
Metal-alkyl, -aryl bond formation and cleavagep333-345
Homogeneous catalysisp346-373
Insertion reactionsp374-382
Reactions of co-ordinated ligandsp383-397
Oxidative addition and reductive eliminationp398-407
Isomerization: Intramolecular processesp408-439
Author indexp440-454ByA. McAuleyA. McAuleySenior ReporterSearch for other works by this author on:
Back coverpX003-X004ByA. McAuleyA. McAuleySenior ReporterSearch for other works by this author on: