Overcoming synthetic challenges in target synthesis using SmI2: recent advances
Published:28 Sep 2015
Special Collection: 2015 ebook collection
X. Just-Baringo, I. Yalavac, and D. Procter, in Organometallic Chemistry: Volume 40, ed. I. Fairlamb and J. Lynam, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015, vol. 40, pp. 1-32.
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Samarium (ii) iodide (SmI2, Kagan's reagent) is one of the most important reducing agents in organic synthesis. Its unique reactivity and selectivity makes it ideal for mediating key steps in target syntheses often providing outcomes that simply cannot be matched by other reagents. In this review we present selected examples of the application of SmI2 in target-oriented synthesis during the last four years and describe the enabling role the reagent has played in the construction of natural products, unnatural bioactive compounds, and organic materials.