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Ronald E. Hester, BSc, DSc (London), PhD (Cornell), FRSC, CChem


Ronald E. Hester is now Emeritus Professor of Chemistry in the University of York. He was for short periods a research fellow in Cambridge and an assistant professor at Cornell before being appointed to a lectureship in chemistry in York in 1965. He was a full professor in York from 1983 to 2001. His more than 300 publications are mainly in the area of vibrational spectroscopy, latterly focusing on time‐resolved studies of photoreaction intermediates and on biomolecular systems in solution. He is active in environmental chemistry and is a founder member and former chairman of the Environment Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry and editor of ‘Industry and the Environment in Perspective’ (RSC, 1983) and ‘Understanding Our Environment’ (RSC, 1986). As a member of the Council of the UK Science and Engineering Research Council and several of its sub‐committees, panels and boards, he has been heavily involved in national science policy and administration. He was, from 1991 to 1993, a member of the UK Department of the Environment Advisory Committee on Hazardous Substances and from 1995 to 2000 was a member of the Publications and Information Board of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Roy M. Harrison, BSc, PhD, DSc (Birmingham), FRSC, CChem, FRMetS, Hon MFPH, Hon FFOM, Hon MCIEH


Roy M. Harrison is Queen Elizabeth II Birmingham Centenary Professor of Environmental Health in the University of Birmingham. He was previously Lecturer in Environmental Sciences at the University of Lancaster and Reader and Director of the Institute of Aerosol Science at the University of Essex. His more than 400 publications are mainly in the field of environmental chemistry, although his current work includes studies of human health impacts of atmospheric pollutants as well as research into the chemistry of pollution phenomena. He is a past Chairman of the Environment Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry for whom he has edited ‘Pollution: Causes, Effects and Control’ (RSC, 1983; Fourth Edition, 2001) and ‘Understanding our Environment: An Introduction to Environmental Chemistry and Pollution’ (RSC, Third Edition, 1999). He has a close interest in scientific and policy aspects of air pollution, having been Chairman of the Department of Environment Quality of Urban Air Review Group and the DETR Atmospheric Particles Expert Group. He is currently a member of the DEFRA Air Quality Expert Group, the Department of Health Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants, and Committee on Toxicity.

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