Materials for a Sustainable Future
Sustainability is becoming more and more important in our everyday lives and this book is a non-exhaustive look at materials and how they relate to sustainability. This concerns not only the elements that could be in short supply in the near future, such as phosphorus, helium, some rare earths and platinum metals, but also the pollutants such as carbon dioxide and methane which are being produced in sufficiently large quantities to be a threat to our lives on Earth. Covering fives themes in twenty five chapters, one of the great advantages of this book is that the chapters have been written by scientists or engineers who are experts in their field and include up-to-date statistics, recent research, and references to the latest work. The book includes chapters concerning chemicals and materials that might soon be required in large quantities to help create a more sustainable way of life. These include: biomass needed to manufacture plastics; special compounds and membranes for water purification, water-splitting, photovoltaic cells, batteries and fuel cells; and special materials for buildings, glass technologies and for storing hydrogen. Aimed at industrialists and investors; policy makers in local and central governments; students, teachers, scientists and engineers working in the field; and finally editors, journalists and the general public who need information on the increasingly popular concepts of sustainable living, this book provides current information and points the way forward for new developments.
Materials for a Sustainable Future, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2012.
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Table of contents
CHAPTER 1: Base Metalsp11-59ByZhehan WengZhehan WengSearch for other works by this author on:
CHAPTER 2: Rare Earthsp60-92ByGareth P. HatchGareth P. HatchTechnology Metals Research LLC180 S. Western Avenue #150, Carpentersville, IL 60110USA[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:
CHAPTER 3: Goldp93-118ByJulie L. StaceyJulie L. StaceyCentre for Sustainability in Mining and Industry (CSMI)University of the WitwatersrandPrivate Bag 3, WITS, 2050, JohannesburgSouth Africa[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:
CHAPTER 4: Platinum Group Metalsp119-151ByGavin M. MuddGavin M. MuddSearch for other works by this author on:
CHAPTER 5: Heliump152-162ByTrevor M. LetcherTrevor M. LetcherSearch for other works by this author on:
CHAPTER 6: Phosphorusp163-174ByTina-Simone S. NesetTina-Simone S. NesetCentre for Climate Science and Policy ResearchWater and Environmental Studies, Linköping University581 83 LinköpingSweden[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:
CHAPTER 7: Uraniump175-211ByGavin M. MuddGavin M. MuddSearch for other works by this author on:
CHAPTER 8: Aquatic Biomass for the Production of Fuels and Chemicalsp215-245ByAngela Dibenedetto;Angela DibenedettoDepartment of Chemistry, Campus UniversitarioUniversity of Bari70126 BariItalyCIRCCConsorzio Interuniversitario Reattività Chimica e CatalisiVia Celso Ulpiani 27, 70126 BariItaly[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Antonella ColucciAntonella ColucciCIRCCConsorzio Interuniversitario Reattività Chimica e CatalisiVia Celso Ulpiani 27, 70126 BariItaly[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:
CHAPTER 9: Chemicals from Sugarcanep246-278ByFernando Galembeck;Fernando GalembeckInstitute of ChemistryUniversity of CampinasCampinas, SP 13083-970BrazilNational Nanotechnology LaboratoryNational Center for Energy and Materials ResearchCampinas, SP 13083-970BrazilSearch for other works by this author on:Gabriela Alves Macedo;Gabriela Alves MacedoFaculty of Food EngineeringUniversity of CampinasCampinas, SP 13083-970BrazilSearch for other works by this author on:Yara CsordasYara CsordasInstitute of ChemistryUniversity of CampinasCampinas, SP 13083-970BrazilSearch for other works by this author on:
CHAPTER 10: Chemicals from Biomassp279-324ByJanet L. Scott;Janet L. ScottCentre for Sustainable Chemical TechnologiesUniversity of Bath, Bath BA2 7AYUKSearch for other works by this author on:Gianfranco UnaliGianfranco UnaliSearch for other works by this author on:
CHAPTER 11: Methane for Transportation Fuel and Chemical Productionp327-384ByVinay PrasadVinay PrasadSearch for other works by this author on:
CHAPTER 12: Carbon Capture: Materials and Process Engineeringp385-429ByNick H. Florin;Nick H. FlorinDepartment of Chemical EngineeringImperial College LondonSouth Kensington, London SW7 2AZUK[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Niall Mac Dowell;Niall Mac DowellDepartment of Chemical EngineeringImperial College LondonSouth Kensington, London SW7 2AZUK[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Paul S. Fennell;Paul S. FennellDepartment of Chemical EngineeringImperial College LondonSouth Kensington, London SW7 2AZUK[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Geoffrey C. MaitlandGeoffrey C. MaitlandDepartment of Chemical EngineeringImperial College LondonSouth Kensington, London SW7 2AZUK[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:
CHAPTER 13: Carbon Dioxide Utilisation in the Production of Chemicals, Fuels and Materialsp430-481ByMichele Aresta;Michele ArestaCIRCCConsorzio Interuniversitario Reattività Chimica e CatalisiVia Celso Ulpiani 27, 70126 BariItalySearch for other works by this author on:Paolo StufanoPaolo StufanoSearch for other works by this author on:
CHAPTER 14: Carbon Dioxide in the Manufacture of Plasticsp482-502ByMatthew D. JonesMatthew D. JonesSearch for other works by this author on:
CHAPTER 15: Carbon Dioxide as a Sustainable Industrial Solvent to Replace Organic Solventsp503-534ByMarie WarrenMarie WarrenSearch for other works by this author on:
CHAPTER 16: Battery and Fuel Cell Materialsp537-557ByJustin Salminen;Justin SalminenEuropean Batteries OyKarapellontie 11, 02610 EspooFinlandSearch for other works by this author on:Tanja KallioTanja KallioSearch for other works by this author on:
CHAPTER 17: Materials for Photovoltaicsp558-591ByIan Forbes;Ian ForbesNPAC, School of Computing, Engineering and Information SciencesNorthumbria UniversityNewcastle upon Tyne NE1 8STUKSearch for other works by this author on:Laurence M. PeterLaurence M. PeterSearch for other works by this author on:
CHAPTER 18: Materials for Water Splittingp592-614ByLeroy CroninLeroy CroninSearch for other works by this author on:
CHAPTER 19: Materials Used in Membranes for Water Purification and Recyclingp617-643ByXiaoying Zhu;Xiaoying ZhuDepartment of Civil and Environmental EngineeringFaculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore1 Engineering Drive 2Singapore 117576[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Kin-Ho Wee;Kin-Ho WeeDepartment of Civil and Environmental EngineeringFaculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore1 Engineering Drive 2Singapore 117576[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Renbi BaiRenbi BaiDepartment of Civil and Environmental EngineeringFaculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore1 Engineering Drive 2Singapore 117576[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:
CHAPTER 20: Glass and New Technologiesp644-667ByAndreas Kafizas;Andreas KafizasDepartment of ChemistryUniversity College London20 Gordon Street, London WC1H 0AJUK[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Ivan P. ParkinIvan P. ParkinDepartment of ChemistryUniversity College London20 Gordon Street, London WC1H 0AJUK[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:
CHAPTER 21: Sustainable Materials in Building and Architecturep668-697ByNaa Lamkai Ampofo-AntiNaa Lamkai Ampofo-AntiSearch for other works by this author on:
CHAPTER 22: Biomass in Composite Materialsp698-739ByMarianne Labet;Marianne LabetProcess and Environmental Research Division, Faculty of EngineeringUniversity of NottinghamUniversity Park, Nottingham NG7 2RDUKSchool of ChemistryUniversity of NottinghamUniversity Park, Nottingham NG7 2RDUKSearch for other works by this author on:Kazi M. Zakir Hossain;Kazi M. Zakir HossainDivision of Materials, Mechanics and Structures, Faculty of EngineeringUniversity of NottinghamUniversity Park, Nottingham NG7 2RDUK[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Ifty Ahmed;Ifty AhmedDivision of Materials, Mechanics and Structures, Faculty of EngineeringUniversity of NottinghamUniversity Park, Nottingham NG7 2RDUK[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Wim ThielemansWim ThielemansProcess and Environmental Research Division, Faculty of EngineeringUniversity of NottinghamUniversity Park, Nottingham NG7 2RDUKSchool of ChemistryUniversity of NottinghamUniversity Park, Nottingham NG7 2RDUKSearch for other works by this author on: