Nanotoxicology: Experimental and Computational Perspectives
The rapid expansion of the nanotechnology field raises concerns, like any new technology, about the toxicity and environmental impact of nanomaterials. This book addresses the gaps relating to health and safety issues of this field and aims to bring together fragmented knowledge on nanosafety. Not only do chapters address conventional toxicity issues, but also more recent developments such as food borne nanoparticles, life cycle analysis of nanoparticles and nano ethics. In addition, the authors discuss the environmental impact of nanotechnologies as well as safety guidelines and ethical issues surrounding the use of nanoparticles. In particular this book presents a unique compilation of experimental and computational perspectives and illustrates the use of computational models as a support for experimental work. Nanotoxicology: Experimental and Computational Perspectives is aimed towards postgraduates, academics, and practicing industry professionals. This highly comprehensive review also serves as an excellent foundation for undergraduate students and researchers new to nanotechnology and nanotoxicology. It is of particular value to toxicologists working in nanotechnology, chemical risk assessment, food science, environmental, safety, chemical engineering, the biological sciences and pharmaceutical research.
Nanotoxicology: Experimental and Computational Perspectives, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2017.
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Table of contents
Chapter 1: Nanotoxicology: Challenges for Biologistsp1-16ByAshutosh Kumar;Ashutosh KumarDivision of Biological & Life Sciences, School of Arts & Sciences, Ahmedabad UniversityUniversity RoadAhmedabad 380009GujaratIndia[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Sanjay Singh;Sanjay SinghDivision of Biological & Life Sciences, School of Arts & Sciences, Ahmedabad UniversityUniversity RoadAhmedabad 380009GujaratIndia[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Rishi Shanker;Rishi ShankerCSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology ResearchVishvigyan Bhavan, 31, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, PO Box 80Lucknow 226001Uttar PradeshIndiaSearch for other works by this author on:Alok DhawanAlok DhawanCSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology ResearchVishvigyan Bhavan, 31, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, PO Box 80Lucknow 226001Uttar PradeshIndiaSearch for other works by this author on:
Chapter 2: Chemical Synthesis of Nanoparticles for Diverse Applicationsp17-38ByDhrubajyoti Kalita;Dhrubajyoti KalitaGodrej Consumer Products Ltd.Pirojshanagar, Vikhroli EastMumbai 400 079IndiaSearch for other works by this author on:Jayesh R. BellareJayesh R. BellareDepartment of Chemical Engineering, 110 Silicate Laboratory, Indian Institute of Technology BombayPowai, Mumbai 400 076India[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:
Chapter 3: Synthesis of Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applicationsp39-93BySanjay SinghSanjay SinghInstitute Division of Biological and Life Science, School of Arts and Sciences, Ahmedabad University, University RoadAhmedabad 380009GujaratIndia[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:
Chapter 4: Protocols for In vitro and In vivo Toxicity Assessment of Engineered Nanoparticlesp94-132ByAshutosh Kumar;Ashutosh KumarDivision of Biological and Life Sciences, School of Arts and Sciences, Ahmedabad UniversityNavrangpura, Ahmedabad 380009GujaratIndia[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Violet Aileen Senapati;Violet Aileen SenapatiDivision of Biological and Life Sciences, School of Arts and Sciences, Ahmedabad UniversityNavrangpura, Ahmedabad 380009GujaratIndia[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Alok DhawanAlok DhawanCSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Vishvigyan Bhavan31, Mahatma Gandhi MargPO Box 80Lucknow 226001Uttar PradeshIndiaSearch for other works by this author on:
Chapter 5: Nanoparticles in Biomedicine and Medicine, and Possible Clinical Toxicological Application of Peripheral Lymphocytes in the Risk Assessment Process for Susceptible Disease State Individualsp133-150ByMojgan Najafzadeh;Mojgan NajafzadehSchool of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Life Science, University of Bradford, Richmond RoadBradford BD7 1DPUK[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Diana AndersonDiana AndersonSchool of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Life Science, University of Bradford, Richmond RoadBradford BD7 1DPUK[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:
Chapter 6: Health Hazard and Risk Assessment of Nanoparticles Applied in Biomedicinep151-173ByMartina Drlickova;Martina DrlickovaSlovak Medical UniversityBratislavaSlovakiaSearch for other works by this author on:Bozena Smolkova;Bozena SmolkovaDepartment of Genetics, Cancer Research Institute of Slovak Academy of SciencesBratislavaSlovakiaSearch for other works by this author on:Elise Runden-Pran;Elise Runden-PranHealth Effects Laboratory, Department of Environmental Chemistry, NILU – Norwegian Institute for Air ResearchKjellerNorway[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Maria DusinskaMaria DusinskaHealth Effects Laboratory, Department of Environmental Chemistry, NILU – Norwegian Institute for Air ResearchKjellerNorway[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:
Chapter 7: Emerging Systems Toxicology Approaches in Nanosafety Assessmentp174-202ByPedro M. Costa;Pedro M. CostaNanosafety & Nanomedicine Laboratory, Division of Molecular Toxicology, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska InstitutetNobels väg 13171 77 StockholmSweden[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Bengt FadeelBengt FadeelNanosafety & Nanomedicine Laboratory, Division of Molecular Toxicology, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska InstitutetNobels väg 13171 77 StockholmSweden[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:
Chapter 8: Organ-on-chip Systems: An Emerging Platform for Toxicity Screening of Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, and Nanomaterialsp203-231ByHassan Waseem;Hassan WaseemDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State UniversityEast LansingMichigan 48824USA[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Maggie R. Williams;Maggie R. WilliamsDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State UniversityEast LansingMichigan 48824USA[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Robert D. Stedtfeld;Robert D. StedtfeldDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State UniversityEast LansingMichigan 48824USA[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Tiffany M. Stedtfeld;Tiffany M. StedtfeldDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State UniversityEast LansingMichigan 48824USA[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Rishi Shanker;Rishi ShankerDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State UniversityEast LansingMichigan 48824USA[email protected]CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology ResearchLucknow 226001IndiaSearch for other works by this author on:Syed A. HashshamSyed A. HashshamDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State UniversityEast LansingMichigan 48824USA[email protected]Center for Microbial Ecology, Michigan State UniversityEast LansingMichigan 48824USASearch for other works by this author on:
Chapter 9: Progress Towards Risk Assessment for Engineered Nanomaterialsp232-247ByDana KühnelDana KühnelHelmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Department of Bioanalytical EcotoxicologyPermoserstrasse 15D-04318 LeipzigGermany[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:
Chapter 10: Three-dimensional Models for In vitro Nanotoxicity Testingp248-275ByN. Singh;N. SinghDe Montfort University, School of Allied Health Sciences, Faculty of Health & Life SciencesThe GatewayLeicester LE1 9BHUK[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:J. W. Wills;J. W. WillsEnvironmental Health Science and Research Bureau, Health CanadaOttawaCanadaSearch for other works by this author on:S. H. DoakS. H. DoakSwansea University Medical School, Institute of Life Science, Centre for NanoHealth, Swansea UniversityWalesSA2 8PPUKSearch for other works by this author on:
Chapter 11: Computational Modelling of Biological Responses to Engineered Nanomaterialsp276-303ByPhilip Doganis;Philip DoganisNational Technical University of Athens, School of Chemical EngineeringHeroon Polytechneiou 9ZografouAthens 15780GreeceSearch for other works by this author on:Georgia Tsiliki;Georgia TsilikiNational Technical University of Athens, School of Chemical EngineeringHeroon Polytechneiou 9ZografouAthens 15780GreeceSearch for other works by this author on:Georgios Drakakis;Georgios DrakakisNational Technical University of Athens, School of Chemical EngineeringHeroon Polytechneiou 9ZografouAthens 15780GreeceSearch for other works by this author on:Charalampos Chomenidis;Charalampos ChomenidisNational Technical University of Athens, School of Chemical EngineeringHeroon Polytechneiou 9ZografouAthens 15780GreeceSearch for other works by this author on:Penny Nymark;Penny NymarkMisvik BiologyKarjakatu 35b20520 TurkuFinlandKarolinska Institutet, Institute of Environmental MedicineNobels väg 1317177 StockholmSwedenSearch for other works by this author on:Pekka Kohonen;Pekka KohonenMisvik BiologyKarjakatu 35b20520 TurkuFinlandKarolinska Institutet, Institute of Environmental MedicineNobels väg 1317177 StockholmSwedenSearch for other works by this author on:Roland Grafström;Roland GrafströmMisvik BiologyKarjakatu 35b20520 TurkuFinlandKarolinska Institutet, Institute of Environmental MedicineNobels väg 1317177 StockholmSwedenSearch for other works by this author on:Haralambos SarimveisHaralambos SarimveisNational Technical University of Athens, School of Chemical EngineeringHeroon Polytechneiou 9ZografouAthens 15780GreeceSearch for other works by this author on:
Chapter 12: Computational Approaches for Predicting Nanotoxicity at the Molecular Levelp304-327ByLokesh Baweja;Lokesh BawejaIndian Institute of Technology GandhinagarGandhinagar, Palaj382355GujaratIndiaSearch for other works by this author on:Alok DhawanAlok DhawanCSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology ResearchVishvigyan Bhawan, 31, MG Marg, PO Box 80226001LucknowUttar PradeshIndia[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:
Chapter 13: Safety Guidelines: Recommendations by Various Nationsp328-348ByR. Packroff;R. PackroffFederal Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), Division 4Friedrich-Henkel-Weg 1-25Dortmund 44149Germany[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:A. C. RouwA. C. RouwFederal Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), Division 4Friedrich-Henkel-Weg 1-25Dortmund 44149Germany[email protected]Search for other works by this author on: