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Dose measurement applied to food irradiation is obviously a very important and critical aspect of this process, described in many standards and guides. Appropriate tools exist so as to ensure the traceability of this measurement, and the number of dosimeters available on the market are well studied, even though their response must be characterized while used under routine processing conditions. When employed in gamma, X-radiation field, or e-beam facilities, these dosimeters may exhibit specific response curves. The traceable calibration or correction factor assessment of this energy effect is mandatory. While the efficacy of an irradiation process and release of the treated product is proven by dose measurements and the statement of complementary irradiation parameters, it must be mentioned that the absorbed dose is measured in the dosimeter itself and, unfortunately, not in the food product. Therefore, ongoing research on novel dosimetry methods, such as product coating dosimeters or in-product dosimetry, is necessary in order to overcome this issue and improve irradiation process control.

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