Chapter 4: Electron Beam and X-ray Equipment for Food Irradiation Applications
Published:19 Dec 2017
Special Collection: 2017 ebook collection
R. B. Miller, in Food Irradiation Technologies: Concepts, Applications and Outcomes, ed. I. C. F. R. Ferreira, A. L. Antonio, and S. Cabo Verde, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2017, ch. 4, pp. 51-65.
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This chapter is devoted to the examination of the technologies and practical implementation techniques associated with food irradiation using accelerator sources of ionizing radiation, including electron beams and X-rays. We first present an overview of the key concepts and parameters, giving practical estimates for dose estimation, dose uniformity, utilization efficiency, and throughput estimates. We then describe the key subsystems (including electron accelerator systems, beam scanning systems, and material handling systems), showing how each one contributes to the delivered dose. Finally, we provide some examples of both electron beam and X-ray systems, and conclude with a chapter summary.