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A growing number of consumers around the world have purchased and continue to purchase irradiated fresh produce, meat products, and other foods. Food irradiation advocates must build on their success and channel their efforts and resources towards convincing more retailers that they can market irradiated foods without the risk of disrepute. The numerous examples of the successful marketing of irradiated foods must be highlighted. Retailers have a key role in gaining consumer acceptance since they are the “gate keepers” who decide whether irradiated food is offered on their shelves. While the amount of irradiated food on supermarket shelves is steadily increasing, some retailers still falsely believe consumers will not purchase irradiated food. Communication regarding marketing success and benefits to consumers is more effective than providing the technical details of the technology. Retailers that are offering irradiated foods know that once irradiated foods are on the shelves, consumer acceptance is high and the “push-back” is negligible.

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