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The skin acts as a physical barrier at the interface with the external environment. This barrier is designed to protect the organism against insults, including desiccant, mechanical, chemical, and microbial damage. It is primarily composed of three layers: the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. The epidermis, which contains the stratum corneum (SC), works as a barrier, preventing water loss from the body and protecting it from the environment. The dermis contains fibroblasts as the predominant cell type within a matrix of structural proteins (collagen or elastin), proteoglycans, nervous fibres and sebaceous glands. The hypodermis acts as a thermal and mechanical insulator. Skin contains non-crystalline material, such as collagen, SC lipids and fat, with characteristic scattering patterns that are altered under specific conditions. These changes can be useful for understanding the structure and state of the tissue.

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