Chapter 10: Human-based In Vitro Experimental Systems for the Assessment of Human-Specific Adverse Drug Effects: Scientific Concepts, Current Applications and Promising Approaches
Published:15 Nov 2011
Special Collection: 2011 ebook collection , 2011 ebook collection , 2011-2015 industrial and pharmaceutical chemistry subject collectionSeries: Drug Discovery
A. P. Li, in New Horizons in Predictive Toxicology: Current Status and Application, ed. A. G. E. Wilson, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2011, ch. 10, pp. 221-248.
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Accurate prediction of human drug safety continues to be a major challenge for drug development. In this chapter, the scientific concepts, current applications, and promising new advances in the application of human-based in vitro systems to the assessment of human adverse drug effects are reviewed. Emphasis is placed on two human-based experimental systems, namely, human hepatocytes and the novel technology Integrated Discrete Multiple Organ Co-Culture (IdMOC). Applications of these systems in the evaluation of two major adverse-drug effects: drug–drug interactions and drug toxicity, are reviewed.