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Cosmetic science is at the core of an industry worth around £9 billion in the UK and employing around 25 000 scientists across Europe. This science, however, is often subject to misinformation, myth creation and ‘miracle’ cures and is perceived by many as ‘science light’ when, in fact, the cosmetics industry is steeped in robust and innovative science. Scary headlines in the media, such as ‘Is your skin under chemical attack?’, also perpetuate myths about cosmetic products that can undermine consumers’ confidence in the personal care products they use and love every day. There is a real need to inform an increasingly sceptical public and the wider science community on the sound science underpinning cosmetics and personal care products to rebalance the debate on issues such as ‘chemical-free’ or ‘toxic cosmetics’. This chapter demystifies cosmetic science, providing factual and clearly laid-out information to help dispel the most common myths about cosmetic products and provides the science behind the industry's safe and innovative products.

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