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This Chapter deals with applications of CL and BL in topics of significant relevance, which are not described in the previous Chapters of this book. In particular, principle and limitations of the well-known luminol test, based on the catalysis of the luminol CL reaction by blood traces and utilised by forensic scientists in investigations involving violent crime for more than 40 years, are reviewed. Afterwards, the various CL-based methods employed for the rapid and sensitive detection of explosives, from portable explosive analyzers to gas chromatographic and HPLC techniques with CL detection and immunoassays, are described. Finally, examples of application of CL and BL in the study and conservation of cultural heritage are reported, including detection of biodeteriogen agents (bacteria, fungi, yeast, algae and lichens) on artworks by BL imaging of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and immunolocalization of protein binders in painting cross-sections by CL imaging microscopy.

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