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Resin-based dental restorative materials (such as dental composites) have been widely used in dentistry to restore the function and esthetics of decayed teeth. However, dental composites usually have limited life (5–7 years). The leading cause for the failure and replacement of dental composite restoration is secondary (recurrent) caries. To reduce secondary caries, various materials and methods, such as fluoride-releasing materials, remineralization materials, and antimicrobial materials have been extensively studied. In this chapter, a systematic review is provided for the antimicrobial (antibacterial and antifungal) polymeric materials used in dentistry, including dental composites, bonding agents, sealants, and denture-base materials. The focus is on the development of antibacterial dental composites that release antibacterial agents, contain silver nanoparticles or quaternary ammonium monomers, and fluoride-releasing dental materials. The chemical structures, antimicrobial effects, and limitations of different types of antimicrobial polymeric dental materials are presented. The combination of different types of antimicrobial polymeric dental materials may reduce secondary caries and prolong the service life of the restorations.

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