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At the present time, the Russian Federation is focused on promoting and showcasing its nanotechnology expertise to the global community. For the last five years, the Russian government has allocated about 900 million dollars exclusively for the development of infrastructures, ever since Russia launched the State NanoStrategy. The presented chapter will disclose the main features of legal regulation in the sphere of nano safety provision in the Russian Federation; the governance, control and supervision in this area; the system of the state authorities (ministries, services and agencies) involved into the decision-making process regarding the nano industry; the existing system of regulation (primary/legislatively level and secondary/subordinate level) and its significant characteristics; in a detailed manner the activities of the RosNano and StandardNano will be highlighted in the context of nano safety regulation and the main problems regarding this question; the main causes of the “legal gaps” of nano regulation in Russia will be discussed; and some key solutions for determination of the considered problems will be offered.

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