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Chandrabhan Verma, PhD, works at the Interdisciplinary Research Center for Advanced Materials, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia. He is a member of the American Chemical Society (ACS). His research is mainly focused on the synthesis and design of environmentally-friendly corrosion inhibitors useful for industries. Dr. Verma is the author of numerous research and review articles published in peer-reviewed international journals, including platforms of ACS, Elsevier, Royal Society of Chemistry, Wiley and Springer. Dr. Verma currently edits various books for the ACS, Elsevier, Royal Society of Chemistry and Wiley platforms. He has more than 5000 total citations with an H-index of 40 and i-10 index of 91. Dr. Verma has received several national and international awards for his academic achievements.

Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain, PhD, is an adjunct professor, academic advisor, and director of chemistry and EVSC Labs in the Department of Chemistry & Environmental Sciences at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Newark, New Jersey, USA. His research is focused on the applications of nanotechnology and advanced materials, environmental management, analytical chemistry and other various industries. Dr. Hussain is the author of numerous papers in peer-reviewed journals as well as a prolific author and editor of around 100 books, including scientific monographs and handbooks in his research areas. He has published with Elsevier, Royal Society of Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, CRC Press and Springer.

Eno E. Ebenso, PhD, is a full Professor of Physical Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry at the North-West University and Acting Director of Material Science Innovation and Modeling Research Focus Area in South Africa. His research interests span through physical chemistry (electrochemistry, kinetics, adsorption, thermodynamics of corrosion) and extensive research on corrosion inhibition in different media using electrochemical, gravimetric, gasometrical and thermometric methods; synergistic and antagonistic studies. Plant extracts, exudate gums, polymers, ionic liquids, synthetic organic and inorganic compounds have been investigated as inhibitors. He has published extensively in local and international peer-reviewed journals of wide readership with over 300 publications (articles in newspapers, plenary/invited lectures and conference proceedings not included). He has published widely and extensively in the area of corrosion inhibition chemistry and currently has an H-Index of 65 and over 10 000 total citations from the Scopus Search Engine of Elsevier Science since 1996. According to the Elsevier SciVal Insights Report (2010–2015), he has a citation impact 10% above the world average, is the second most prolific author in the field of corrosion inhibition worldwide and his publications are the fifth most downloaded globally in the field of corrosion inhibition. His Google Scholar Citations since 2013 are over 8000 with an H-index of 67 and i10-index of 216. His RESEARCHERID account shows an H-index of 44 with total citations of 5779 and average citation per article of 24.78. He is a member of the Chemical Society of Nigeria (MCSN), American Chemical Society (MACS), New York Academy of Sciences, Nigerian Corrosion Society, Society for the Advancement of Electrochemical Science & Technology, International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), South African Chemical Institute, South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions and many other scientific professional bodies. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) and a member of Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf).

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