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Black pepper, Piper nigrum L. (P. nigrum), is renowned as the “king of spices” and is used as a seasoning and condiment all over the world. The bioactive compounds in P. nigrum can be used to inhibit and treat a variety of ailments. P. nigrum contains the alkaloid piperine, which is found in the fruit at levels between 5 and 13 percent and is also a well-known bioavailability booster. There are numerous phytoconstituents in this plant, including alkaloids, isobutyl amides, lignans, esters, and volatile oils, that have diverse pharmacological properties. Besides being an antiinflammatory and anticancer agent, piperine also has anti larvicidal, antipesticide, anti-Alzheimer and antidepressant properties. The present work critically evaluates P. nigrum concerning its ethnopharmacology, geographical distribution, botanical description, phytochemicals, clinical trials, Ayurvedic formulations, and marketed formulations. In addition, a wide range of extraction and isolation procedures for natural products also are discussed. This chapter will be helpful in correlating this well-known Ayurveda plant with modern science and marketed formulations.

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