Chapter 14: Chemoresponsive Molecularly Imprinted Polymers
Published:08 Jul 2022
Special Collection: 2022 ebook collection
S. Carrasco and A. Rico-Yuste, in Chemoresponsive Materials: Smart Materials for Chemical and Biological Stimulation, ed. H. Schneider, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2nd edn, 2022, ch. 14, pp. 499-541.
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In this chapter we explore molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) as both selective recognition elements and responsive materials in a wide variety of fields, focussing on drug delivery systems, sensor development and separation/purification purposes. The effects of physical and chemical stimuli on the polymer conformation are thoroughly discussed. A brief overview of the current state of the art, current trends and a list of the main challenges those materials face is also presented. The impact of different pre- and post-synthetic modifications, the polymerisation conditions and the final shape and morphology on their final performance is taken into consideration. Special attention is paid to the fabrication of MIP-based composites to develop multi-responsive materials. Finally, some current and paradigmatic examples are selected to illustrate the response and recognition mechanisms of such polymers towards a wide variety of stimuli and target molecules of social significance.