Chapter 5: Recent Advances in Microalgal Genome Editing with Special Emphasis on CRISPR Mediated Modification Systems
Published:12 Dec 2022
Special Collection: 2022 ebook collection
D. Dhokane, P. S. Chandrashekharaiah, S. Kushwaha, B. Bhadra, and A. Bandyopadhyay, in Microalgae for Sustainable Products: The Green Synthetic Biology Platform, ed. A. Shekh and S. Dasgupta, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2022, ch. 5, pp. 95-111.
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Microalgal biotechnology is expanding at a greater pace due to the advantages that algae provide in terms of sustainable food, feed, and fuel. Genetic engineering of algae allows overcoming the inherent limitation of a strain to perform better compared to its wild-type counterpart. CRISPR/Cas is becoming a vital tool for editing genomes due to its design simplicity, precision, higher editing efficiencies, and the ability to edit any genomic loci. Although a few technical challenges remain to be resolved, the CRISPR/Cas system has unprecedented advantages and prospects compared to other technologies. This chapter elaborates on the progress, applications, and bottlenecks for applying CRISPR/Cas tools in microalgae.