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School education is undergoing rapid change, because inclusion and digitalization as new framework conditions recognized by society as a whole require competence from teachers in the realization of the inclusive, digital world in school. For chemistry teaching, the challenge is to realize the strategy of “Education in the Digital World”, whose characteristic feature is the connection of inclusion—the participation of all in access to education—and digitalization in an integrative way. Nevertheless, hardly any suitable models can be found for the international as well as for the German-speaking area as instruments for planning inclusive lessons with the integration of digital media. The paradigm shifts for teaching from exclusive to inclusive and analogue to digital are usually considered in isolation and rarely considered in their entirety, but only in the synthetic consideration of these aspects can the inclusion process be optimized. However, scientific knowledge acquisition through problem solving offers a possibility to consider different requirements of an inclusive chemistry education. Accordingly, this project is dedicated to the development and validation of a model for inclusive chemistry teaching (MiC) and, building on this, the transfer of the model into a practical, inclusive learning environment using an interactive learning book.

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