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The virtual chemistry classroom is a learning environment for high-school students who are willing to study chemistry but have no opportunity to do so in their schools for various reasons. Starting in 2014, with the development of learning materials and computerized tasks for a three-year online chemistry programme, we now (end of 2020) have over 250 graduates and 400 students who are currently studying in 10–12th grade. In this chapter we present an integrated view of students’ function in the ‘Chemistry Online Blended Learning Environment’ (COBLE). We studied four students’ Self-regulated Learning (SRL) profiles and followed the changes of those profiles for COBLE students and dropouts, and traditional face-to-face students over time. Results indicate that COBLE students developed SRL skills over time and were not likely to possess the all-negative SRL profile. A methodology for assessing students’ overall involvement in the course to create an ‘effort mark’ was developed, and influential indicators were isolated, leading to a prediction model for students’ abilities to succeed while studying in COBLE. This prediction model may also enable future planning of personalized support.

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