Chapter 23: The Community of Inquiry Framework as a Guide to Implement Inclusive Collaborative Two-stage Exams in Chemistry
Published:12 Jul 2023
Special Collection: 2023 ebook collection
J. J. Stewart, in Digital Learning and Teaching in Chemistry, ed. Y. Dori, C. Ngai, and G. Szteinberg, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023, ch. 23, pp. 287-300.
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This chapter presents an introduction to two-stage exams in chemistry within the community of inquiry framework. This framework makes explicit the opportunities of online assessment, such as innovative ways to support peer discussion, and elaborates on the challenges in representing chemistry knowledge digitally and in creating opportunities for peer learning. Creating a shared sense of purpose, fostering students’ sense of belonging, and encouraging equitable group interactions are discussed as important aspects of inclusive collaborative assessments. Improvements to the two-stage exam model and directions for future research are discussed.