Chapter 2: Advances on the Sedimentation Stability of Magnetorheological Fluids
Published:07 Jun 2023
Special Collection: 2023 ebook collectionSeries: Soft Matter Series
N. M. Wereley, Y. T. Choi, J. Chambers, L. “. Xie, and M. “. Wen, in Magnetic Soft Matter
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Magnetorheological fluids (MRFs) have been widely applied to various engineering applications, especially in vibration isolation and shock mitigation systems because of their fast response time and continuously controllable actuating force (or torque) without moving parts. Yet, because of the large density difference between the magnetic particles and the carrier fluid inside MRFs, MRF-based applications inevitably experience sedimentation. Thus, fluid stability is a critical factor when implementing successful commercial MRF-based applications. In this chapter, the monitoring systems to track sedimentation of MRFs are discussed and their working principles are explained. Also, analysis to enhance understanding of the sedimentation process is addressed.