Chapter 5: Metal–Organic Frameworks in the Sample Preparation Stage of Analysis
Published:02 Aug 2023
Special Collection: 2023 ebook collection
A. Amiri, F. Ghaemi, and A. Abdar, in Metal–Organic Frameworks in Analytical Chemistry, ed. A. Amiri and M. Mirzaei, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023, ch. 5, pp. 143-164.
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Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) have been regarded as one of the most effective classes of sorbents in the analytical sample preparation step. Notably, the current limitation of MOFs is related to their chemical and thermal stabilities. MOFs have been captivating as a direct result of their crystalline structures, extremely high porosities, large surface area, and various potential applications. In addition, the structure, pore design, morphology/size, and usefulness of MOFs can be additionally tuned to upgrade their effectiveness specifically in applications. In this manner, upgrading the resistance and strength of MOFs through ligand improvement or composite formation of MOFs with some materials like carbon-based nanomaterials, quantum dots, monoliths, polymers, metal/metal oxide nanoparticles, silica, and polyoxometalates can overcome these limitations significantly. In this chapter, the applications of MOFs for various extraction methods will be discussed. Meanwhile, the challenges and positive and negative points of each method will also be discussed.