Chapter 10: Sensors Based on Conductive Metal–Organic Frameworks
Published:02 Aug 2023
Special Collection: 2023 ebook collection
A. A. Ensafi, K. Z. Mousaabadi, and T. R. Adriyani, in Metal–Organic Frameworks in Analytical Chemistry, ed. A. Amiri and M. Mirzaei, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023, ch. 10, pp. 301-328.
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Conductive metal–organic frameworks (C-MOFs), also known as smart intrinsically porous extended materials, have attracted enormous attention in the research community. C-MOFs have attracted enormous attention from the research community due to their intrinsic conductivity, numerous active sites, and chemical and thermal stability, making them useful in a wide range of applications, including sensors. C-MOF-based sensors mainly fall into two categories: chemiresistive sensors and electrochemical sensors. This chapter describes C-MOFs, their synthesis procedure, and their use as active materials for developing and designing sensors.