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With the rise in the human population over the past few decades, there has been increasing pressure on natural resources leading to the practicing of mushroom culture on a commercial scale. Known as one of the most edible and dominant mushroom species around the world, Agaricus are known their wide nutritional, pharmaceutical, immunomodulatory, and medicinal properties and are therefore cultivated globally. With the presence of several active bioactive compounds, such as flavonoids, terpenoids, saponins, glycosides, etc., the scientific community is intrigued to apprehend the complex molecular mechanisms of Agaricus with respect to immune system based effects. In India, among other species, Agaricus bisporus is a chief source of dietary supplements. However, due to mushroom poisoning cases, there is an urgent need to develop DNA-based methods for the identification of both poisonous as well as non-poisonous Agaricus species that are otherwise difficult to identify on the basis of morphology alone. Since there are many regions where people are heavily dependent on wild natural resources for food consumption, the characterization of the toxicological profile of mushrooms will be helpful for medical treatment and clinical manifestation.

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