Published:06 Dec 2023
Special Collection: 2023 ebook collectionSeries: Green Chemistry
Green Fire Retardants for Polymeric Materials, ed. P. Song, Y. Zhang, and X. Wen, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023, vol. 82, pp. P009-P010.
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We are grateful for the contributions of many excellent researchers to accomplish this book. The detailed and valuable discussions in Chapters 2–4 are focused on Part I “Materials Choice” for green flame retardants. With respect to Part II “Green synthesis”, Chapters 5–8 describe mainly the green synthetic strategy for organic, inorganic, and organic–inorganic flame retardants. The great effort of the authors for this part is acknowledged as well.
For Part I “Materials Choice” for green flame retardants, the editors would like to thank Prof. Serge Bourbigot (University of Lille), A/Prof. Tao Zhang (Zhejiang Sci-Tech University), Prof. Yun Liu (Qingdao University), and Prof. Juan Li (NingboTech University). Their hard work contributed to Chapter 2 entitled “Plant-derived Fire Retardants”. Many thanks are also given to Prof. Giulio Malucelli (Politecnico di Torino), A/Prof. Lu Zhang (Central South University), and Prof. Yan Zhang (NingboTech University) for their contributions to Chapter 3 “Animal Product-derived Fire Retardants”. In parallel, thanks are also given to Prof. Shiai Xu (East China University of Science and Technology), A/Prof. Zhi Li (Chongqing Jiaotong University), and Dr Siqi Huo (University of Southern Queensland) for their contributions to Chapter 4 “Mineral-derived Fire Retardants”.
For Part II “Green synthesis”, Chapter 5 entitled “Green Synthesis of Organic Fire Retardants” was kindly contributed by Prof. Yuan Liu (Sichuan University), Prof. Miaojun Xu (Northeast Forestry University), Dr Jiabing Feng (Jiaxing University), and A/Prof. Hongyu Yang (Chongqing University). While Chapter 6 “Green Synthesis of Inorganic Fire Retardants” was contributed by A/Prof. Xiaoping Hu (Southwest University of Science and Technology), Prof. Yan Zhang (NingboTech University), Dr Ting Sai (Zhejiang University), Xin Wen (Qingdao University of Science and Technology), and Prof. Li Chen (Sichuan University). Thanks are given to Prof. Carosio Federico (Politecnico di Torino), Prof. Cong Deng (Sichuan University), A/Prof. Weizhao Hu (University of Science and Technology of China), and Dr Ting Sai (Zhejiang University) for contributing to Chapter 7 “Green Synthesis of Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Fire Retardants”. Thanks to Prof. Xiaoyu Gu (Beijing University of Chemical Technology), Dr Sabyasachi Gaan (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology), A/Prof. Wenchao Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology), and Prof. Lijun Qian (Beijing Technology and Business University) for their contributions to Chapter 8 “Applications and Safety Assessment of Green Fire Retardants”.
The authors appreciate the approval of the publishers and colleagues for the reproduction of figures and tables used in this book. The advice and patience of Dr Helen Armes and Amina Headley from the Royal Society of Chemistry are gratefully acknowledged, and other editors from the publisher for formatting the book and Connor Sheppard for finalizing the book cover are greatly appreciated. Finally, we would like to acknowledge the financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 52073246 and 51873196) and the Australian Research Council (No. DP190102992; FT190100188; LP220100278).