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This is our second book in the Royal Society of Chemistry Green Chemistry series. As with the previous book, the central theme of this book is the use of plant materials to prepare sustainable polymers, lubricants and plasticizers. We have broadened the focus to include both oils and organic acids. The list of authors includes prominent scientists and engineers from USDA national laboratories, NREL, the Kansas Polymer Research Center and the Chinese Academy of Forestry plus researchers from major agricultural universities including Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, the South China Agricultural University and Iowa State University.

Part 1 features the application of oils to the polymer industry. Chapters cover polymer design, polymerization in supercritical carbon dioxide and the generation of thermosets, composites, epoxy resins and polyurethanes. Part 2 focuses on the application of oils and natural acids to lubricants and additives. Chapters cover oil-based plasticizers, oils for improved lubricity and the conversion of natural acids into bio-based pyrones and many other industrial chemicals.

This book was originated and assembled by Dr Zengshe Liu, a research chemist in the bio-oils research unit of the National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research located in Peoria, Illinois, and Dr George A. Kraus, a chemistry professor at Iowa State University, who has worked on green chemistry and natural resources for so many years. Dr Liu’s longstanding research interest in sustainable chemistry and his many contacts in both industry and academia were vital for the expanded focus of this book. We thank Helen Armes of the Royal Society of Chemistry for suggesting a second book and assisting with the book proposal. We also appreciate the efforts of Amina Headley in keeping us on track and guiding us through the publication process.

Dr George A. Kraus

Iowa State University

Dr Zengshe Liu


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