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Molecular radiotherapy has been identified as a promising treatment for late-stage metastatic cancer with significant research and commercial interest in the area. The Radionuclides for Health UK project was established to advocate for re-establishing a domestic supply of radionuclides to enable molecular radiotherapy research and clinical translation in the UK. A roundtable held was held in 2020 where three key production routes were identified. 1. Radionuclides from nuclear legacy material. 2. Reactor produced radionuclides. 3. Accelerator produced radionuclides. A collaboration was formed between Radionuclides for Health UK, the National Nuclear Laboratory, the EPSRC MITHRAS program, and the CRUK RadNet City of London Radiation Research Unit to run workshops on each topic. Between July 2021 and March 2022 three workshops were held, each focusing on one production route. Each workshop included presentations from experts followed by panel discussions. Each was attended by representatives from academia, industry, government, funding bodies, and healthcare professionals. The community has galvanised around the need for domestic radionuclide supply and identified routes to making this a reality. This has enabled the launch of a Radionuclides for white paper - Radionuclide Supply in the UK: A Path to Cancer Breakthrough.

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