Chapter 2: The Importance of NMR as a Discovery Tool
Published:04 Mar 2024
Special Collection: 2024 eBook CollectionSeries: New Developments in NMR
K. Downey, K. Ronda, K. Steiner, K. Jobst, S. Kleywegt, M. J. Simpson, and A. J. Simpson, in The Environment in a Magnet
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The nontargeted nature of NMR spectroscopy, in addition to its powerful chemical elucidation capabilities, makes it an ideal analytical tool for compound discovery, and it is especially useful in instances where mass spectrometry alone is insufficient. This chapter addresses some of the main findings of NMR in compound discovery, with an emphasis on environmental applications. Topics include its ability to facilitate and enable the identification of novel contaminants, interactions, and transformation processes and products, as well as the integral role it has played in metabolomics research. NMR’s use in food safety and detection of adulteration of high value consumables is subsequently examined. In addition to 1H and 13C NMR, applications of unconventional nuclei in environmental analysis are also discussed. Ultimately, this chapter concludes with a brief summary of NMR’s promising future in compound discovery.