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Pandemics raise primarily social issues, with the poor and those living in overcrowded areas being particularly vulnerable to infection. Low-income families, with poor nutrition and eating habits, are especially susceptible to infection during outbreaks. Socioeconomic status and racial/ethnic group membership also contribute to vulnerability. Health and healthcare inequalities can exacerbate disparities in morbidity and mortality. In a medical emergency, it is crucial to act quickly and efficiently, educate the public about potential health and healthcare aspects, and motivate individuals to limit exposure to others. Timely healthcare, social assistance, and educational opportunities are critical for responding properly to epidemics such as COVID-19. Incorporating social determinants of health (SDOH) into existing efforts has the potential to minimize health and healthcare disparities. Health disparities in vulnerable groups can be better understood by an interdisciplinary team of healthcare practitioners, public health specialists, anthropologists, sociologists, researchers, governments, and organizations. To prepare for future pandemics, it is critical to assess existing responses and provide equal access to healthcare for all people, regardless of region, race, or socioeconomic position.

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