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Nanomaterials are considered to be a promising type of compounds with tuneable properties and high efficiency. Nanomaterials are used in different areas, such as cosmetics, biomedical, textiles, environmental, etc. Functionalization helps to enhance the properties of nanomaterials, such as optical, electrical, mechanical, thermal, and adsorption properties. Functionalized nanomaterials, which are considered as the next-generation smart materials, have a major role in biomedical engineering science. The ecofriendly and sustainable synthesis of nanomaterials makes them more biocompatible in nature. Biocompatible functionalization of nanomaterials is used in clinical applications such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scanning, cancer treatment, and biological 3D imaging. This chapter focuses on certain critical factors such as the synthesis of functionalized nanomaterials, properties, and applications of functionalized nanomaterials in nanomedicine, and future applications.

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